Wednesday, May 31, 2017

We've been busy...

Our small group of quilters have been busy - here are a few quilts we have recently finished..
Not sure why some of the blocks look reddish..
We are so proud of the process our beginner quilters are making

This project of making 50 quilts for our county's Vets has been very rewarding. We are meeting a lot of the local merchants - the "Movers and Shakers" of our county. Everyone we have spoken to seems to appreciate what we are doing for the Vets. We have even been given some donations which we have spent on batting and a bit of fabric.

Quilts For Vets

We are a small group of quilters making red, white and blue quilts to give to each Vet in Wayne County, TN. Quite a few of the quilters are beginners. Our goal is to make 50 quilts to be given out on Veteran's Day this year.

We have about 30 tops made and 8 are totally finished.

Last year we gave quilts to WWII Vets, POWs, Purple Heart recipients. This year we will honor Korean Vets and any Vet who becomes critically ill.

After last year's presentation we had some requests to see the quilts before they were given out. This year we are planning a quilt show, maybe a better phrase would be a "Quilt Show Event" to showcase these quilts. 

We have invited state government officials (invites have been accepted), local officials, a local country band has offered to play, two chapters of the American Legion, crafts, food, flag ceremony, and what ever else we can think of adding.  Almost sounds like a "County Fair"!

We have given out 3 quilts this year. One at a bridge dedication for a POW and two for critically ill Vets.

Here are a couple of recent quilts we have made - 

We even have a four generation family helping us make quilts! As most of our quilters are beginners we started them off with string blocks. I think they are enjoying themselves as they keep coming back...

I have a quilt shop (Fabrik Emporium) in Waynesboro, TN where we meet twice a month to work on our quilts.

Linking up with Alycia's QOV post